Magazines West Conference Returns October 26-27, 2017

MagsWest 2017 woman browsing magazine rackThis year we are hosting 7 professional development sessions, including 2- to 3-hour intensives and Mac labs, 2 free Q&A sessions with government funders, 2 networking events and a public talk, and a magazine display and giveaway table where delegates can trade their publications.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

To find out more about our MagsWest conference and speakers:

Schedule at a glance and other details:

The conference will be held in downtown Vancouver at UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, except for Ijeoma Oluo’s talk Thursday evening, which will be at the VSO School of Music, 843 Seymour St.

Funded by the Government of Canada

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