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Chronicling BC’s story in a fresh, engaging, personal, relevant way

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Travel stories, human interest articles, bike and product reviews, vintage or latest models, of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast.

Nature articles, games, news, activities and more for children and their families

Visitors’ Choice Magazine
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YAM: Victoria’s Lifestyle Magazine
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Sample Great BC Magazine Content here.

How Decluttering Helped Me (Re)gain Presence
They say that absentmindedness has no cure. And I believed it. By Shawn Chang for LINK, June 1, 2022

Sako wins Canadian Forces sniper rifle contract
Finland-based Sako has won its second rifle contract with the Canadian Forces…By Zac Kurylyk for Calibre, June 7, 2022

On the Rise: Meet John Velten, the Indigenous Jewellery Designer Handcrafting Wearable Art in North Van
For this electrician-turned-artist, life is full of light-bulb moments. John Velten’s bold and fantastical childhood drawings led teachers to push him toward the arts. By Alyssa Hirose for Vancouver Magazine

Keep Dance in Mind
Dancing can keep your brain healthy longer. People are inspired to dance for all kinds of reasons. By Jennifer Dorozio for Dementia Connections, May 4, 2021

Huglu HRZ: Affordable Doubles
Over the course of the past few years, the Canadian gun market has been absolutely inundated with Turkish shotguns. By Daniel Fritter for Calibre, March 12, 2020

Home Tour: Inside a Maximalist Calgary House That Fully Embraces Colour
celebrate bold colours – “Doing colour properly also means having a space where you can get away from it…” Paul Lavoie. By Anicka Quin for Western Living, February 23, 2022

What It’s Like to Decolonize the Sky
Métis pilot Teara Fraser is the first Indigenous woman to own and operate her own airline in Canada. By Alyssa Hirose for Vancouver Magazine, Jan 24, 2022

“We’d like to buy some eggs, and maybe your house”—On Becoming a Sheep Farmer
“We’d like to buy some eggs, and maybe your house”—On Becoming a Sheep Farmer. Story and photos by Karri Munn-Venn for Digits & Threads, 19 January 2022

One to Watch: Artist and Textile Designer Tafui McLean
Tafui McLean can point to the exact moment that art changed her life. It was decades ago, in Jamaica. By Alyssa Hirose for Western Living, June 8, 2021

The Wondrous World of Lichen
Wildwood Ramble: There is an organism alive today that is older than the dinosaurs, has survived the mass extinction…by K. Brauckmann for TAKE 5, May 2022

Summer Days in the City
…going out for a walk around the city is crucial for my mental health and well-being. By Catherine Sohit for LINK Magazine, June 1, 2022

Forest Breathing
Western Canada’s winter forests are a perfect place to recharge and restore yourself. By Marla Barr for ZenSeekers, December 22, 2021

Ski-Doo Snow PASS Grant Program Returns for Winter 2023
Ski-Doo Snow PASS contributed $580,000 to more than 100 snowmobile organization projects in Winter 2022. By Mountain Sledder, June 9, 2022

Structural strategy
Many times, when building a home or doing a renovation, the owner opts to not use an architect, instead relying on a designer and/or contractor. By Shannon Moneo for Spruce.

Harmony, Disharmony, Repair
When life gets busy and we have kids, it is easy to put our marriage on the back burner. By Dr. Allison Rees for Island Parent, May 28, 2022

A Look At Paradise
On the island of Zanzibar. By Linda A. Blair for INSPIRED 55+ Lifestyle Magazine, May 29, 2022

The Great Canadian Airlift
General Aviation to the Rescue. By Steve Drinkwater for Canadian Aviator, Jan/Feb 2022.

Hello, Nature!
On hiking by a non-hiker. Photos & writing by Christy Chan for LINK Magazine, Nov. 19/21 and November 2021 issue.

How to Make a Family Collage
Activities – Easy craft tutorial with Tanith Lamb for BAZOOF! Magazine

Finding Peace by Letting Go
When dealing with the changes and challenges that come part and parcel with her mother’s dementia, care partner Katrina Prescott has found that acceptance is the key to self-preservation. By Lisa Kadane for Dementia Connections, November 14, 2021.

5 Ways to Choose Sustainable Chocolate
By Alia Dharssi for Asparagus Magazine, December 2018. Part of The Decider column, which looks beyond greenwashing to help you make sustainable decisions.

Trade One Downhill Season for Another at Resort Bike Parks
It’s time to trade those skis for pedals and hit the trails. By Jeremy Derksen for SnowSeekers, May 16, 2022.

“We deserve to be seen for who we are” – Why Inclusive Design Is So Important
By Zoe Desborough for Digits & Threads, Sept. 1, 2021.

Dealing with your own crap
Stories from CoHo Landing, a 15-household land co-operative on Denman Island. By Laura Busheikin for FOLKLIFE. On a composting management system.