
BC magazines are here to meet all your content needs. Expand upon all that interests you and support a homegrown industry.

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Permanent, part-time (20 hours/wk), literary editor, mostly office-based, start Mar 15. $34,090 p.a. + monthly benefits allowance + annual cost of living increase

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Our membership and affiliate base consists of publishers, editors, writers, designers, salespeople, printers and developers who work for magazine titles that range from literary and lifestyle to business and news, and are in both online and in print formats.


MagsBC informed me of important grants my publishing business was eligible for and provided expert guidance on how to apply.
Garth Eichel
Publisher, Archipelago Media Ltd.
Your efforts to disseminate information, keep us updated, make us aware and remind us of deadlines for potential grant funding opportunities were very beneficial.
Whistler Traveller Magazine
MagsBC has kept our company in the loop during trying times and has offered great support and resources. If not for their continued communication and guidance, we would not be in the strong position we are coming out of this pandemic.
Krista Turcasso
Fernie Fix Magazine
Thank you to MagsBC for their help in creating workshops and grants that have allowed us to continue publishing in this challenging time.
Marina Sacht, Publisher
Take 5
Joining MagsBC was the single best business development decision we made as a new company. The support we received both directly from staff and through participation in the Internship Subsidy Program enabled us to solidify our foundation as a startup and to grow in a healthy way into our second year of publication.
Kim Werker, Publisher
MagsBC has unequivocally helped us with the Special Measures for Journalism grant, and we're so glad to have the help of Sylvia [Skene], who brings these opportunities to our attention and ensures that we have all the tools we need to continue publishing.
Loose Lips Magazine