& MagsBC Member Social
After two years of virtual events, we were back in person in Victoria on Wednesday, May 18 for the Creator Showcase at the BC Legislature and an evening social at Kwench, a full-service work and culture club and facilities space, as part of Creative Industries Week, May 16-20.
MagsBC executive director Sylvia Skene and project coordinator Asna Shaikh showcased our members and shared information on the important cultural and economic impacts of BC magazines. Both events were a great opportunity to speak with MLAs and other government policymakers and staff, and work with representatives from other BC creative industries and organizations, such as Creative BC, Music BC, DigiBC, ABPBC, MPPIA, IATSE, CMPA and DGC, to highlight our significant collective contributions to this province.
Fiona Bramble and Tracy Guinchard of member Here Magazine also attended as our guests for this year’s CIW theme of Connecting BC’s Creative Constellation: BC Creates Stars of Tomorrow.
For the MLA goodie bags, MagsBC contributed a bright and engaging handout full of information on BC magazines as well as over a hundred beautiful issues generously donated by our members. The handout was put together by Asna with the assistance of Langara College Design Formation practicum student Kimia Heydari and graphic designer Victor Terzis, We also held a free subscription prize draw at the Showcase which had people signing up all morning and encouraged them to learn more about our great publications.
While in Victoria, Sylvia and Asna seized the opportunity to meet with MagsBC members on the evening of Tuesday, May 17 at 10 Acres Commons for food, drinks, and lively conversation. In attendance were Richard Olafson and Carol Sokoloff of the Pacific Rim Review of Books, Jim Schneider of Island Parent, Carolyn Brandly of Dementia Connections, Fiona Bramble of Here Magazine, L’Amour Lisik of The Malahat Review, Lise Gyorkos of Page One Publishing, and Barb Risto of Inspired 55+ Lifestyle Magazine.
We spoke about recent issues, awesome interns and young magazine talent, industry changes and funding challenges, and brainstormed ways to come together to tackle some of the issues facing us right now.
It was great to reconnect in person!
Photos: Asna Shaikh.