Escape from Pale Blue Dot 2

月刊 ふれいざー By Fraser Monthly, August 2022 Special Feature, p.28-29

Image of deep space by NASA, ESA, CSA, and STSCI

―天文学新時代の幕開け―            ― Dawn of a new era in astronomy ―

昨年 12 月 25 日にジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡が打ち上げられてほぼ半年。160 万キロの旅を経て撮影した画像が公開された。ハッブル望遠鏡に続くこの最新の宇宙望遠鏡は、これまで人類が到底観ることのできなかった美しい深宇宙を、想像もできなかったほどリアアルに見せてくれた。何億光年も離れた深宇宙の写真は、若かった宇宙の姿と同時に、人類の最大の疑問のひとつであった宇宙の誕生の謎までをも解き明かす手がかりをあたえてくれる。今私たち人類は、まさに天文学の新時代への一歩を踏み出したのだ

Almost half a year has passed since the James Webb Space Telescope was launched on December 25, 2021. Images taken after traveling 1.6 million kilometers have been released. Following the Hubble Telescope, this newest space telescope has shown us the beauty of deep space, which has never been seen by mankind, in a way that we could never have imagined. Photographs of deep space, hundreds of millions of light-years away, not only provide clues to what the universe looked like when it was young, but also to unraveling the mystery of the birth of the universe, one of the biggest questions for mankind. We humans have just stepped into a new era of astronomy.

Pale Blue Dot とは 1990 年にボイジャー1号が撮影した地球が小さな青い点だったことからカール・セーガンが名付けた。

The Pale Blue Dot was named by Carl Sagan because it was a small blue dot on Earth taken by Voyager 1 in 1990.


First photos arrive from James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)


The first photograph taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the world’s largest space telescope, introduced in the March issue of this magazine, has been released. The beautiful images clearly show the deep space that mankind sees for the first time.

Star formation in the Eta Carinae nebula, image by NASA, ESA, CSA, and STSCI

この写真は、りゅうこつ座の方向約 7600 光年先にある散光星雲イータカリーナ星雲の、NGC 3324 という星形成中の比較的新しい領域。巨大なガスのかたまりの淵の部分で、この山のように見える盛り上がった部分の高さは約7光年あるという。このガスは、画像の上方にある高温の超巨大星からの強烈な紫外線と星風によって、星雲から削り出されたものである。

This photo shows NGC 3324, a relatively new region of star formation in the Eta Carinae nebula, about 7600 light-years away in the constellation Carina. At the edge of a gigantic mass of gas, the height of the raised part that looks like this mountain is about 7 light-years. This gas has been sculpted out of the nebula by intense ultraviolet light and stellar winds from the hot supergiant star above the image.


The image was taken in infrared by the James Webb Space Telescope, and the data sent was colored by infrared wavelengths.


James Webb Space Telescope in space, image by NASA, ESA, CSA, and STSCI


ジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡  James Webb Space Telescope

(※詳細については本誌3月号特集をご覧ください。)(*For details, please see the March issue of this magazine.)


Image of Deep Space by NASA, ESA, CSA, and STSCI, galaxy cluster SMACS 0723



ウェッブ初のディープフィールドの写真。銀河団 SMACS 0723 で、これまで赤外線で観測された中で最も暗い天体が写り込んでいる。

The web’s first photo of Deep Field. The galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 contains the faintest object ever seen in the infrared.




Image of the five galaxies named Stephan's Quintet, by NASA, ESA, CSA, and STSCI


Five galaxies named Stephan’s Quintet. The distance captured in this image is about one-fifth of the Moon’s diameter. It shows in detail how interactions between galaxies lead to star formation and how gas is disturbed. It also clearly captures the flow of gas from the black hole of the “Stephen quintuplets”.

199 年から、アメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)、欧州宇宙機関(ESA)、カナダ宇宙庁(CSA)が主体となって共同開発を進めたジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡は、度重なる問題発生に頓挫しかかりながらも、苦難を乗り越え現代科学の粋を集めて完成した。総コストは120 億ドルを超えた。

Since 1999, the James Webb Space Telescope has been jointly developed by the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). However, it was completed by overcoming hardships and gathering the essence of modern science. The total cost exceeded $12 billion.

この宇宙望遠鏡は、今後 20 年間かけて、宇宙の神秘を解く手がかりを送り続けてくれることになる。

Over the next 20 years, the space telescope will continue to provide us with clues to unlock the mysteries of the universe.


The mission of the James Webb Space Telescope is to create clues to the mysteries of history that humankind has been exploring for many years, such as the birth of stars, galaxies, and even life in the chaos of the nascent universe. Its mission is to observe the first star born in the universe, which is believed to have started to shine 200 million years after the universe was born by the Big Bang.


If this project succeeds, it will be a historic feat that will allow us to learn about celestial bodies that formed more than 13 billion years ago and, in turn, provide clues to unlock the secrets of the origin of life.


Fraser Monthly is a Japanese monthly community magazine established in BC in July, 1992, well-trusted among the Japanese and Japanese-speakers in BC for its long relationship with the community and its solid content.

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