On the Coronavirus, MagsWest 2020, and all that

Can we panic yet?

Given the current situation and ever-evolving response to restrictions on travel and on public gatherings in light of the COVID-19 virus, MagsBC has decided to postpone the MagsWest magazine conference.

Originally intended to take place on March 27 and 28 in Vancouver, we are now planning to hold the conference in September 2020. (Formerly May or June.)

We are very disappointed to postpone our event, but five of our speakers have indicated they are unable to attend in-person, and we are also concerned about those who will be travelling to the conference by air.

We are also unsure of our attendance since we cannot predict how many people will simply choose to avoid social contact at an in-person event, and even whether our host venue, BCIT Downtown Campus, will be able to continue operating over the next few weeks.

Along with rescheduling the conference to a later date, we plan to offer sessions online in case this crisis continues or worsens. On the bright side, those of you who would have had to travel to the conference to take part in the sessions (or are so used to working in your PJ’s at home after months of self-isolation that you’ve become agoraphobic and misanthropic) can now attend remotely.

Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times. MagsBC remains very excited about the events, programming and partnerships in place for this year and we look forward to sharing them with you.

Sylvia Skene
Executive Director
on behalf of
Magazine Association of BC and its partners, sponsors and funders

Funded by the Government of Canada

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