Phase 2 of Canadian Heritage Emergency Funding Announced

Special Measures for Journalism

Canadian Heritage fund now open for applications from magazine publishers

Canadian Heritage has just announced the final components of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund for Cultural, Heritage and Sport Organizations.

Those magazines and newspapers who did not or could not receive the Canada Periodical Fund’s Aid To Publishers funding–such as free and online magazines and weekly newspapers–may be able to apply for emergency funding through the Special Measures for Journalism fund instead. Note that the application deadline has been extended to August 7, 2020.

The Special Measures fund has been allocated $45 million. Those who apply will receive an amount based on their percentage of the total editorial spend by all applicants.

For further information, you can contact the Department of Canadian Heritage at:

Phone: 819-997-0055
1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

Press release responding to this news from Magazines Canada, Alberta Magazine Publishers Association, L’Association québécoise des éditeurs de magazines, and the Magazine Association of BC here.

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