— Last checked January 2025 by Joby Yuen, Langara College Library & Information Technology practicum students.
In this section:
- Publishing Associations
- Editing Associations
- Creators & Writers Associations
- Cross-Sectoral & Advocacy Associations
Publishing Associations
- ACP – The Association of Canadian Publishers. ACP contributes to the development and maintenance of vibrant, competitive book publishing companies, professionally managed, and owned and controlled in Canada, in order to support and strengthen the contribution that Canadian books make to Canada’s cultural, economic, and educational landscape. Visit Site
- ACUP – Association of Canadian University Presses. ACUP is a leading voice for scholarly publishing in Canada, publishing over 600 titles annually in humanities and social sciences. Their mission is to globally disseminate Canadian research while adapting to rapid technological changes. Visit Site
- AMPA – Alberta Magazine Publishers Association. AMPA serves the magazine industry by supporting the people who publish, create, print, and distribute a uniquely “Albertan” view of the world. Much like MagsBC, their ideal combination of advocacy, promotion and professional assistance helps to nurture Alberta’s magazine industry and its continued development. Visit Site
-  AQEM – L’Association québécoise des éditeurs de magazines. The Quebec Association of Magazine Publishers promotes networking and program development for French-language publishers in Quebec and across Canada. Visit Site
- Books BC – The Association of Book Publishers of British Columbia. Books BC is a provincial association of BC-owned and controlled book publishing companies. Books BC works to support the long-term health and success of the Canadian-owned book industry in British Columbia. Visit Site
- CIP4 – The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press, and Postpress. CIP4 is a Swiss-based, not-for-profit standards association, whose mission is to foster the adoption of process automation in the printing industry and to support education and marketing for those standards. Its diverse membership includes printers, prepress companies, publishers, vendors of graphic arts systems and software, integrators, distributors, consultants and educators. Visit Site
- CLMP – Community of Literary Magazines and Presses. CLMP, comprising hundreds of small publishers creating print and digital books, magazines, online publications, chapbooks and zines, is a service organization for independent literary presses and magazines. MagsBC members may join at a discount. Visit Site
- CPC – Canadian Publishers Council. CPC is an English language publishing trade association that represents the interests of publishing companies who publish books and other media for a variety of sectors: elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, professional and reference markets, retail, and libraries. Visit Site
- CPIA – Canadian Printing Industries Association. CPIA aims to strengthen the printing industry across Canada by advocating on the industries behalf and creating a network of regional print associations. Visit Site
- FIPP – International Federation of Periodical Publishers. FIPP helps its members develop better strategies and build better businesses by identifying and communicating emerging trends, sharing knowledge, and improving skills, worldwide. Organizes international conferences and events every year. Visit Site
- IRMA – International Regional Media Association. The purpose of IRMA is to strengthen the regional media and magazine publishing industry by fostering the free flow of information and experience between a group of non-competitive publishers. Visit Site
- LCP – League of Canadian Poets. League of Canadian Poets elevates poetry’s cultural importance, advocates for poets, and expands poetry communities globally. They support poetry publication, performance, and recognition while promoting equitable artistic practices through education and development. Visit Site
- LPG – Literary Press Group of Canada. LPG is a non-profit association representing Canadian-owned literary book publishers. They advocate for members and Canadian literary culture, offer business services such as sales and marketing, operate the online book retailer All Lit Up, provide professional development opportunities, and represent member publishers at events nationally and internationally. Visit Site
- MagsBC – Magazine Association of British Columbia. You’re here! MagsBC is a member-driven, not-for-profit organization dedicated to representing, connecting, and promoting the British Columbia magazine industry. They foster an environment where new magazines are nurtured, established magazines are supported, and magazine staff can develop their skills. Membership benefits include professional development, access to resources, and knowledge sharing for its members. Apply now
- MagsCan – Magazines Canada. The leading national trade association representing Canadian-owned, Canadian-content of French and English magazines. They offer a wide range of topics focusing on the future of Canadian serial publications. Magazines Canada has merged with the Circulation Management Association of Canada. Visit Site
- MPA – The Association of Magazine Media. MPA is an American-operated nonprofit organization, with headquarters in Washington, DC. They represent 175 domestic companies with over 900 titles and 30 international companies. MPA is run primarily by magazine media specialists and provides a forum for publishers. Visit Site
- PPA – Periodical Publishers Association. This U.K. organization represents almost 250 companies (within the U.K.) including consumer magazine publishers, business-to-business data and information providers, customer magazine publishers, and smaller independent companies. They provide a networking system and benefits for members including legal advice, insurance, and research. Visit Site
- Publishers Association. The member organization for UK publishing, the Publishers Association champions 140 publishing businesses in their membership. They provide support for members on campaigns, public affairs and policy, as well as liaising with governments across the world on laws that affect publishing. Visit Site
Editing Associations
- Editors Canada. Editors Canada supports developing the editing profession through a variety of means such as hosting conferences and seminars, and providing professional development opportunities. The 1,300 members come from a wide selection of editors: salaried, freelance, corporate, technical, government, nonprofit, and academic across Canada and internationally in English and French. Visit Site
- IEA – Indigenous Editors Association. A membership organization advocating for the presence of Indigenous voices and perspectives in all aspects of storytelling and story-making. IEA works to connect Indigenous editors with all aspects of the publishing community. Visit Site
- ISC – Indexing Society of Canada. ISC is Canada’s national association of indexers which focuses on encouraging the use of indexes and promoting the improvement of indexing industry. Visit Site
- LTAC – Literary Translators’ Association of Canada. An association of translators which works in conjunction with publishers to translate literary works. They support the translating profession and work to expand audiences literary audiences in 20+ languages. Visit Site
- PEAVI – Professional Editors Association of Vancouver Island. An organization by Vancouver Island editors for Vancouver Island editors, providing online access to a members directory to hire an editor. They also provide professional development and networking meetings for members held monthly. Visit Site
Creators & Writers Associations
- BCATW – BC Association of Travel Writers. A not-for-profit association which aims to support travel writing in British Columbia. Visit Site
- CAA – Canadian Authors Association. Focusing on professional development training and services for Canadian authors, this organization provides a network of authors across the country. Visit Site
- CAJ – Canadian Association of Journalists. A member-based, not-for-profit organization which advocates for journalists across Canada. Visit Site
- CJFE – Canadian Journalists for Free Expression: This Canadian nonprofit association is dedicated to protecting the freedom of speech for Canadians and contributes to the development of press freedom throughout the world. Their website is frequently updated and archives many of the issues surrounding freedom of speech in the press. Visit Site
- DesCan – Design Professionals of Canada. DesCan is an advocacy-based organization and committed to leading, supporting, and advancing professional design communications in Canada. The society is a nationwide organization and community of design professionals, educators, design students, and businesses, and also represents non-design professionals such as photographers, illustrators, copywriters and alike. Visit Site
- FBCW – Federation of BC Writers. FBCW is committed to helping its membership achieve professional standards in all varieties and genres of writing. Visit Site
- LCP – League of Canadian Poets. This organization is focused on developing the poetry profession through education, boosting publication of poetry, and providing support to Canadian poets around the world. Visit Site
- PEN Canada – Poets, Essayists and Novelists. This nonprofit organization is an international collective of writers who stand to defend the freedom of expression around the world. They promote intellectual co-operation and understanding among writers, as well as collaborating on various issues such as campaigning for the release of imprisoned artists in foreign countries. Visit Site
- RGD – Association of Registered Graphic Designers. RGD is “Canada’s largest professional association for graphic designers.” The membership includes firm owners, freelancers, managers, in-house designers, educators and students. Visit Site
- SABEW – Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. A US-based organization, with a Canadian arm, that advocates for freedom of the press and economic journalistic integrity. It also offers awards, events and training. Visit Site
- SWCC – Science Writers & Communicators of Canada. A member-based organization of groups and individuals who write or publish on science and technology-related topics, prioritizing inclusivity in science writing and broadening public engagement with science and technology writing. Visit Site
- WT – Writers’ Trust of Canada. Founded in 1976, Writers’ Trust is a “charitable organization that seeks to advance, nurture, and celebrate Canadian writers and writing through a portfolio of programs including 11 national literary awards, financial grants, career development initiatives for emerging writers, and a writers’ retreat in Dawson City, Yukon.” Visit Site
- TWUC – The Writers’ Union of Canada. TWUC are professional Canadian writers who work to improve the profession, providing support and services for the writing environment in Canada. Visit Site
Cross-Sectoral & Advocacy Associations
- AAC – Alliance for Arts + Culture. AAC represents over 350 members from across various artistic disciplines and consists of organizations, professional associations, not-for-profit groups, artists, and cultural workers throughout British Columbia. Visit Site
- AFP Vancouver – The Association of Fundraising Professionals. The Greater Vancouver Chapter of the AFP. Their mission is to inspire philanthropy in our communities. Visit Site
- BPC – The Book and Periodical Council. Operating as a forum for members and associations, the organization facilitates networking and promotes Canadian writing, editing, and publishing. Visit Site
- CAPIC – The Canadian Association of Professional Image Creators. A member-based organization, the CAMPIC advocates for the rights and interests of graphic professionals in areas such as copyright and recognition. They create standards and provide many services to their members. Visit Site
- CEMA – Canadian Ethnic Media Association. For professionals engaged in the fields of print, radio, television, and online journalism, as well as creative writing. CEMA upholds the principles of Canadian citizenship and multiculturalism and maintains the rights of freedom of expression without ethnocentric bias. Visit Site
- CMA – Canadian Marketing Association. CMA is the largest marketing association in Canada. Its members include corporations and organizations which encompass Canada’s major business sectors and which represent the integration and convergence of all marketing disciplines, channels, and technologies. Visit Site
- ILSA – The Indigenous Literary Studies Association. This association represents Indigenous writers, researchers and publishers who promote Indigenous stories and history. Visit Site