Portal 2024 cover

Portal Magazine

Portal is a nationally-distributed 96-page full-colour annual literary magazine featuring short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, scripts, industry features, book reviews, art, and photography from emerging writers.

Portal includes their national Portent contest winner (alternates through 4 genres), a regular Portfolio Spotlight on authors from underrepresented cultures sharing their stories, and interviews with celebrated Canadian literati: Lillian Allen, Fred Wah, George Elliott Clarke, Gregory Scoffield, Katerina Vermette, Dennis Lee, Don McKay, Gary Geddes, Erin Moure, Michael Crummey, Lorna Crozier, and others.

Visit Portal’s social media and website for their monthly Portfolio live reading series videos, merch giveaways, interviews, submission details,  launch promos/trailers, subscription bundles, ad info, back issues, and testimonials.

Website | Facebook | X | Instagram | YouTube

Contact: Joy Gugeler, Publisher
Address: Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth St., Building 340, Room 133, Nanaimo, BC  V9R 5S5
Email: viuportal@gmail.com
Phone: 250-797-2623

Read Portal magazine here!

Circulation: 2000   Frequency: Annual